The Free Google Analytics Alternative

Try Defendium As Your Website Analytics Solution

Are you seeking a powerful and privacy-focused alternative to Google Analytics? Look no further! Defendium offers a feature-rich and free solution for tracking website performance, user behavior, and visitor insights while respecting user privacy.

Why Choose Defendium?

Defendium stands out as a compelling choice for web analytics for several reasons:

  • Completely Free: Defendium offers all its basic analytics features without any cost. You can access powerful web analytics without the need for a subscription or fees.
  • No Data Sharing: At Defendium, we do not sell your data to third parties. Your website data is kept private and is not shared with external entities.
  • Trust in Eliminating Spam: Defendium's primary focus is on eliminating spam from the web. Our commitment to spam prevention and user privacy makes us a trustworthy choice for your analytics needs.
  • No Data Sharing: Unlike some other analytics services, Defendium doesn't share your data with third parties. Your website data is solely yours to use and protect.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Defendium offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy for both beginners and experienced users to navigate and extract valuable insights.

Key Features of Defendium

Defendium provides a range of fundamental features to help you gain insights into your website's performance and user behavior:

  • Page Views Tracking: Keep track of the number of views your website pages receive, helping you understand content popularity.
  • Mobile vs. Desktop Analytics: Differentiate between mobile and desktop users to better tailor your website's user experience.
  • Geographic Insights: Identify the countries your users predominantly come from, aiding in targeting and localization efforts.
  • Top Performing Pages: Focus on your website's top-performing pages to understand what resonates most with your audience.
  • Referrer Tracking: Monitor and analyze the sources of traffic to your website, enabling you to optimize your marketing efforts.

Defendium's statistics show our commitment to providing a robust analytics solution that delivers valuable insights while respecting user privacy.

500,000+ Requests Processed Daily

Our systems efficiently handle over half a million requests every day, ensuring reliable service.

< 30ms Typical Latency

Experience ultra-fast spam check responses, typically under 30 milliseconds.

Powerful Analytics Efficiency at Its Best

Utilize our robust analytics for insightful data analysis and reporting.

< 1KB Analytics JavaScript Size

Our analytics JavaScript is incredibly lightweight, less than 1 KB, for seamless integration.

Designed for Speed

Defendium is engineered with a strong focus on speed, ensuring that you get real-time insights without compromising your website's performance. We understand the importance of quick, responsive analytics, and we've implemented several measures to optimize speed and efficiency.

Speed Optimized with Page Speed Insights

Our commitment to speed goes hand in hand with user experience. We've designed Defendium with Google's Page Speed Insights tool in mind. By adhering to best practices and industry standards, we strive to deliver analytics that load swiftly and seamlessly.

Minimal JavaScript Footprint

One of the key elements contributing to our speed is our incredibly small JavaScript file. We've kept it lightweight to minimize the impact on your website's load time. You can trust that our analytics script won't weigh down your webpages.

Rapid Server Response

Speed begins at the server level. With Defendium, you can expect lightning-fast server responses, typically clocking in at under 30 milliseconds. This means you get access to your analytics data almost instantly, enabling you to make timely decisions.

Asynchronous Script Execution

We've implemented asynchronous script execution, ensuring that our analytics script runs independently from the rest of your web content. This asynchronous approach prevents any slowdowns in your webpages, maintaining a smooth and responsive user experience.

At Defendium, speed is not just a feature; it's a fundamental aspect of our service. We're dedicated to providing you with quick, efficient, and real-time analytics that enhance your website's performance without compromise.

Why Website Speed Matters

Speed is more than just a buzzword in today's digital landscape; it's a critical factor that can make or break your online presence. Here's why speed matters:

  • User Experience: Speed directly impacts user experience. Fast-loading websites keep visitors engaged, reduce bounce rates, and improve overall satisfaction.
  • SEO Ranking: Search engines like Google consider page speed when ranking websites. Faster sites tend to rank higher in search results, driving more organic traffic.
  • Conversion Rates: Speed influences conversion rates. Slow websites often lead to abandoned shopping carts and missed opportunities for online businesses.
  • Mobile Friendliness: In a mobile-centric world, speed is crucial for mobile users. Fast-loading pages cater to mobile visitors effectively.
  • Competitive Advantage: A speedy website sets you apart from competitors. It shows that you prioritize user satisfaction and can give you an edge in your industry.

At Defendium, we understand the significance of speed and have designed our analytics platform to ensure your website remains fast and responsive while delivering valuable insights.

How Defendium Analytics Helps Prevent Spam

Defendium analytics provides powerful tools to help you combat spam effectively. One key way we prevent spam is by leveraging website analytics to distinguish between real users and bots.

Bots that engage in spam typically exhibit specific behaviors, such as visiting only the pages they intend to spam. Defendium analytics can identify these patterns and flag suspicious activity, allowing you to take action to prevent spam before it becomes a problem.

By analyzing user behavior, page views, and other data points, Defendium helps you differentiate between genuine visitors and potential spammers, giving you the upper hand in protecting your website and maintaining a spam-free environment.

Enhancing User Engagement

One of the primary advantages of distinguishing between real users and spambots is the significant improvement in user engagement. Webmasters can provide a better online experience for genuine visitors by filtering out spammy interactions. This results in reduced frustration for real users, leading to longer on-site durations, increased page views, and a higher likelihood of conversions.

Protecting Website Resources

Spambots can consume valuable server resources, leading to slower website performance and increased hosting costs. By accurately detecting and blocking spambots, webmasters can preserve these resources for real users. This not only ensures a faster and more responsive website but also helps in optimizing server usage, ultimately saving on operational expenses.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Distinguishing between real users and spambots provides webmasters with accurate data insights. This data can be invaluable for making informed decisions about website optimization, content strategies, and marketing efforts. By focusing on genuine user behavior and preferences, webmasters can tailor their websites to better serve their target audience, resulting in improved user satisfaction and business growth.

Comparing Defendium to Google Analytics

When it comes to website analytics, Defendium and Google Analytics are two popular options. Let's explore how they differ:

Data Trust

Do you really want to trust Google with more of your data?

Defendium prioritizes data privacy and ownership. Your website data remains private, and we don't share it with third parties, ensuring your trust is well-placed.

Google Analytics:
Google Analytics collects data that may be used for advertising purposes. Trusting your data with Google means it may be leveraged for their ad business.


Defendium is designed with speed in mind. Our systems respond rapidly, typically under 30 milliseconds, ensuring you get real-time insights without compromising website performance.

Google Analytics:
Google Analytics can introduce latency into your website due to its complex tracking code and extensive data processing, potentially slowing down user experiences.

AdWords Integration

Defendium is focused on providing valuable insights for webmasters. We don't prioritize AdWords integration because we prioritize your website's performance and privacy.

Google Analytics:
Google Analytics is closely tied to Google AdWords, as it serves Google's advertising business. It's designed to encourage ad spending and ad campaign optimization.

When choosing between Defendium and Google Analytics, consider your data trust, need for speed, and the impact of AdWords integration. Defendium offers a privacy-focused, speedy alternative for webmasters who value data security and performance.

Get Started with Defendium Today

Join the growing community of website owners, developers, and marketers who have embraced Defendium as their Google Analytics alternative. Try Defendium for free and experience a privacy-focused, feature-rich web analytics solution.

To get started with Defendium, simply sign up for an account, install the tracking code on your website, and begin exploring the valuable insights it provides.

Empower your website with analytics that respect user privacy and deliver actionable data. Choose Defendium as your free Google Analytics alternative today!

How to Install Defendium Analytics

Using Defendium to enhance your website's security and analytics is straightforward. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Step 1: Simply put our code before the </body> tag on your website.
    <script src="" async></script>
  2. Step 2: Sign up for a Defendium account on our website. It's free, and no credit cards or billing information is needed at any time.
  3. Step 3: Verify your ownership of the domain by placing a meta tag on your website, which you will get in your account. This is what enables you to see the analytics.
  4. Step 4: Save the changes to your website's code, and the Defendium analytics will begin collecting valuable data.

It's that simple! Once the tracking code is installed, Defendium will start providing you with real-time insights and spam prevention capabilities to keep your website secure and optimized.

Ready to get started? Sign Up for Free
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