Anti-Spam Protection by Defendium

Protect your site with our advanced anti-spam technology.

Anti-Spam Feature

Robust Spam Detection

Utilize our cutting-edge algorithms to detect and filter out spam in real-time, ensuring a clean and safe environment for your users.

Our system intelligently distinguishes between genuine user engagement and spam, minimizing false positives.

Easy Integration

Integrating Defendium’s anti-spam solution into your website is straightforward. With a few simple steps, you can enhance your site's security and user experience.

  • Seamless integration with popular CMS platforms.
  • Lightweight and efficient, with minimal impact on site performance.
  • Customizable settings to suit your specific needs.

Continuous Updates

Stay ahead of evolving spam trends with our continuously updated filters. We regularly refine our algorithms to tackle new and emerging spam threats.

Enjoy peace of mind knowing that your site is always protected with the latest in anti-spam technology.


Access our API guide for information about using Defendium.

API Access

Get your keys to access our convenient anti-spam APIs. You need to register your account to obtain API keys.

Signup for Your Keys

API Statistics

Checking Spam







Never worry about spam clogging up your website. Get back to important work by:

  • Creating an account with your own API keys.
  • Using an easy API for checking spam.
  • Simple methods for providing spam feedback.
  • Easily testing everything.
  • Keeping your website a safe place for legitimate users.

Fast Spam Checking

How to Use API Keys:

- or -
secret_key: YOUR_KEY
content: Content here
url: URL that the content was submitted to (such as the forum post URL or profile URL)
ip: IP that submitted the content to you
user_agent: User agent of the browser that submitted the content


The following parameters are used in API requests:

  • secret_key (required)

    The secret API key associated with your account.

  • content (required)

    The actual content that was submitted to your website, such as a comment or blog post.

  • content_type

    Content type from:

  • ip

    IP Address that submitted the data to you.

  • url

    URL that the content was submitted to (such as the forum post URL or profile URL)

  • referrer

    The content of the HTTP_REFERER header from the user.

  • author

    Name, username, or moniker of the author who submitted the content.

  • author_email

    If the author provided an email, include it with this field.

  • author_url

    If the author has a profile URL, include it here.

  • languages

    Language of your website, in ISO 639-1 format, separated by commas. A site published in both English and German might use “en, de_de”.

  • charset

    Character set of the submitted data, such as "UTF-8" or "ASCII" or "ISO-8859-1".